We provide a play based programme through which children develop enjoyment for learning, ensuring a strong foundation for learning at school and throughout life. Our curriculum follows the guidelines of Te Whāriki, the NZ early childhood curriculum (2017). In a smaller group size of just 7 children to 1 teacher, tamariki can lead their own learning by making decisions about their play interests, including easy access between indoor and outdoor environments. With a large protected elm tree and native bush, our outdoor playground is like an oasis of natural play areas located to one side of the College carpark.
Our over two year old tamariki have the added benefit of learning experiences beyond the preschool gates as we regularly make the most of the wider College environment. We visit the library, attend art and drama productions, work in the vegetable garden, and use the grassy area for games and physical activity.
The daily schedule is shaped by 'what's on top' for tamariki so that they can actively pursue their learning without undue disruption. Tamariki can become deeply involved in activity and remain so for extended periods of time. A rolling morning kai time supports children's growing capacity to take responsibility for their own need for food and drink, under the sensitive guidance of a kaiako.
We are fortunate to be supported by Kidscan. All kai/food is supplied and prepared in our kitchen – this includes morning and afternoon teas. The weekly menu is displayed on the whiteboard in the kitchen. If your child has allergies we need to know and will discuss with you suitable options for their kai times. For tamariki aged under 2, we will discuss your child’s milk/kai preferences. You will be asked to sign permission and details for kaiako to provide formula or kai that you supplied from home.
Kaiako work with whānau to support tamariki as they learn to take responsibility for their toileting routines.
Our learning programme equips tamariki with enhanced self esteem and positive attitudes toward learning so that they can confidently progress into the
schooling environment.
Kaiako work with parents/whānau and schools to make sure each child is supported as they adapt to the changes they experience when they make the move to their new
learning environment.
We make it a special time when tamariki leave preschool. Friends and kaiako acknowledge the child's special characteristics and share their best wishes for the child's next phase of their learning journey.