We are a community based, not-for-profit preschool is located within Hagley College grounds near Christchurch Hospital and Hagley Park. We offer affordable, flexible care and education for children 3months - 6 years with small group sizes and high adult to child ratio's.
Our culturally and linguistically diverse preschool community caters for tamariki and whānau from the wider residential community, the Christchurch city central business district and children of Hagley Community College staff and students.
Our vision is for Hagley Community Preschool to be an inclusive and vibrant learning community working together to nurture the capabilities and competence of our tamariki (children) as successful life long learners.
Te Whāriki, New Zealand’s early childhood curriculum (2017), guides our teaching and learning programme. Our teaching philosophy of learning through play, social interaction, and exploration supports our young learners to confidently make choices, solve problems, question and explore. We believe every child is a competent learner and communicator. Hagley preschool children develop respectful relationships, compassion, autonomy, and independence, ensuring a strong foundation for life-long learning.
Our commitment to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi ensures Māori children are nurtured in their identity and that children of all cultures become familiar with the indigenous culture of Aōtearoa, New Zealand. We foster respect for cultural diversity through embracing and celebrating the cultural, social and language diversity of our whānau.
A culture of collaboration and inquiry underpins the relationships of all adults involved in supporting teaching and learning in the preschool, including the teaching team, management, the Trust Board, parents and whānau, Hagley College staff and all external agencies.
We aspire for Hagley preschool tamariki to uphold the values of:
Promoting sustainability and ecological awareness.
Developing a relationship with Papatūānuku.
Valued contributors and responsible global citizens.
Confident communicators in all ways- languages, expression, artistic and creative.
Promoting care for others.
Develop social competence, have respect and empathy for others in a spiritually, emotionally and physically safe environment.
Empowering tamariki to be confident in themselves and to be curious with a love for learning.
Developing leadership, self-determination, agency,
Developing problem solving skills, working theories and to take risks in their learning.
Tamariki and whānau developing a strong sense of belonging here at Hagley and in Ōtautahi.
To be culturally proud and experience a local ECE curriculum design.
Promoting inclusive relationships,
Developing empathy and Tuakana Taina.
Developing a strong sense of cultural identity, connected to people, places and things.